SHEP Counselling

The SHEP Coiscéim program offers confidential counseling services for adults, adolescents, children, and couples. Skilled therapists conduct assessments, matching clients with suitable professionals from their panel.

SHEP Counselling

Welcome to Coiscéim

Confidential and affordable Counselling program operated by SHEP is a form of therapy where a trained psychotherapist actively listens to you, providing support as you navigate through the challenges you may be facing. During sessions, you are encouraged to express your feelings and emotions openly, while being assured of a judgment-free and supportive environment.

These sessions take place in a secure and confidential setting, fostering a space where you can explore your thoughts and experiences. The aim is to help you gain a deeper understanding of your situation, empowering you to work towards a resolution.

Our Counselling services are here to assist you with a variety of concerns, such as:

  • Feeling troubled or stressed, and seeking a better way forward
  • Dealing with anxiety or low mood, which may manifest as low energy, changes in appetite or sleeping patterns, difficulty concentrating, or an overall sense of overwhelm
  • Coping with the loss of a loved one or other significant losses- Managing challenging emotions, including low self
  • Esteem or anger- Addressing relationship difficulties
  • Processing trauma, such as experiences of verbal, physical, or sexual abuse
  • Exploring aspects of sexual or gender identity


At Coiscéim, your privacy is of utmost importance. All personal information shared during Counselling sessions is treated with the strictest confidence. Our Referral Officers, who conduct assessments, are trained counselors themselves.

Additionally, the counselors on our panel are ethically bound to practice in accordance with the Code of Ethics of their professional organizations and adhere to the principles and policies of Coiscéim.

While confidentiality is maintained in most situations, there are specific circumstances where it may be limited. These include cases where a counselor believes you might be at risk of seriously harming yourself or someone else, particularly if a child is involved, leading to the activation of child protection procedures.

Both the staff at Coiscéim and the counselors on our panel adhere to the Children First Guidelines. This means that any reports of current or past abuse must be reported to Tusla, a measure that will be further explained during your initial meeting with your counselor.

Who Coiscéim Is For?

For Adults

Coiscéim provides Counselling services for adults. Anyone seeking Counselling undergoes an initial assessment. Based on this assessment, if Coiscéim is deemed an appropriate service, the individual is matched with a therapist from our panel. Please note that while we provide various Counselling services, we are not an addiction service. In cases involving addiction, we collaborate with the individual to refer them to a more suitable service.

For Adolescents and Children:

Coiscéim offers specialized services for adolescents and children. Parents or guardians engage in an assessment with our staff, after which the young person is referred to a therapist from our panel. Our services for children and adolescents primarily include play therapy, art therapy, and talk therapy, ensuring a supportive and engaging environment for their Counselling experience.

For Couples

Couples facing challenges in their relationships are encouraged to contact Coiscéim. We offer Counselling services specifically tailored for couples. When couples reach out to us, they are referred to a therapist experienced in working with couples. These sessions are designed to address relationship difficulties, fostering open communication and understanding within the relationship.

Counselling FAQ

Do I need referral letter?

No, a referral letter is not necessary. You can contact us directly to schedule an appointment with a counselor.

Is there a limit to confidentiality?

At Coiscéim, we uphold the highest standards of confidentiality to ensure your privacy and trust. All personal information shared with us is treated with utmost discretion and confidentiality. Our Referral Officers, who conduct assessments, are not only trained counselors but also professionals committed to safeguarding your privacy.

Ethical Commitment

Every counselor on our panel is ethically bound to adhere to the Code of Ethics of their respective professional organizations, as well as the ethos and policies of Coiscéim. This commitment ensures that your Counselling experience is conducted with integrity, respect, and professionalism.

Limited Confidentiality

While confidentiality is our priority, there are specific situations where it may be limited. These include instances where a counselor believes there is a risk of serious harm to you or others, especially if a child is involved. In such cases, child protection procedures come into effect.

Children First Guidelines

Both the staff at Coiscéim and our counselors strictly adhere to the Children First Guidelines. This means that any report of current or past abuse, especially concerning children, is promptly and responsibly reported to Tusla, the child and family agency. During your initial meeting with your counselor, these guidelines and limitations to confidentiality will be explained comprehensively, ensuring clarity and understanding about the steps taken to ensure everyone's safety and well-being.

Is it a confidential Service?

Absolutely, yes. We take confidentiality seriously. All personal information shared with Coiscéim is handled with the utmost confidentiality. Our team, including the trained counselors on staff and all the counselors on our panel, are ethically bound to follow the strict Code of Ethics of their respective professional organizations and adhere to the ethos and policies of Coiscéim.

In rare circumstances, any information about you or your Counselling sessions will only be disclosed with your explicit written consent. Your privacy and trust are paramount to us.

Where does Counselling take place?

Coiscéim Counselling sessions are conducted at various locations across Cork City & County, as well as in Kerry. Our team of dedicated counselors is strategically based to provide convenient access to our services. When you contact our referral counselor to initiate the process, they will discuss your preferences regarding the Counselling location. Your comfort and convenience are our priority, and we will work with you to ensure your Counselling sessions take place at a location that suits you best.

How quickly will I be seen?

While we strive to assist you as promptly as possible, given the high demand for our services, it may take up to six weeks to match you with a suitable counselor. In urgent cases, we make every effort to expedite the referral process. The urgency of your situation will be carefully evaluated by our Referral Counsellor during their consultation with you. Rest assured, your needs and urgency will be taken into utmost consideration as we work towards connecting you with the appropriate support.

How do I make an appointment?

To schedule an appointment, kindly reach out to our reception at 021 466-6180. Alternatively, you can contact us via email at Please provide your name and contact number, and we will respond to your query promptly.

After receiving your initial inquiry, one of our experienced Referral Counsellors will get in touch with you to conduct an assessment. This assessment is essential to understanding your needs fully and referring you to a counselor best suited to support you.

Once the assessment is completed, you will be informed about the allocated counselor's name, who will then reach out to you directly to arrange a suitable meeting time. Your care and comfort are our top priorities, and we aim to make this process as smooth and supportive as possible.

Cost of Counselling

At Coiscéim, our Counselling services operate on a sliding scale of fees. The specific fee you pay directly to the counselor is determined through a discussion with our Coiscéim Referral Counsellor. This fee is tailored to your individual financial circumstances, ensuring it aligns with your ability to pay comfortably.

Furthermore, Coiscéim is committed to providing financial assistance by subsidizing up to 10 Counselling sessions. We understand the importance of making Counselling accessible, and our subsidy initiative aims to support individuals in their journey to emotional well-being. Rest assured, we are dedicated to making Counselling affordable and attainable for all those seeking our services.

Frequency of Counselling Sessions

You will meet with your counsellor on a weekly basis. Each session is designed to last for up to one hour, providing you with a consistent and supportive space to address your concerns, explore your feelings, and work towards your goals.

Additionally, as part of our commitment to making Counselling accessible, Coiscéim subsidizes up to 10 sessions. This financial assistance ensures that you have the opportunity to engage in meaningful and regular Counselling sessions without the burden of high costs, allowing you to focus on your well-being and personal growth.

Types Of Counselling

In the realm of Counselling and psychotherapy, practitioners utilize various theoretical approaches to facilitate their work with clients. Research has consistently shown that the quality of the therapeutic relationship formed between the client and the practitioner holds paramount importance, often superseding the specific therapeutic approach employed.

Integrative Therapy

Many counsellors employ an integrative approach, combining distinct models of Counselling and psychotherapy. This approach allows for a tailored treatment plan, drawing from multiple therapeutic methods to suit the unique needs of the client.

Humanistic Therapy

Rooted in the personal growth movement, humanistic therapy encourages individuals to introspect about their feelings, thoughts, and actions. Emphasizing self-development and realizing one's highest potential, this therapy often adopts a "Client-Centered" or "Non-Directive" approach, focusing on the person as a whole.


Mindfulness encourages intentional attention to thoughts, helping individuals intercept negative thought patterns. By creating mental space and awareness, mindfulness disrupts the chain reaction of negative thoughts, allowing individuals to center themselves in the present moment. Therapists practicing mindfulness often have a background in meditation.

Person-Centered Therapy

Developed by Carl Rogers, this approach enables clients to confront negative feelings that might be causing emotional distress. The objective is for clients to recognize their power and freedom to change, emphasizing personal agency over external factors.

Psychodynamic Psychotherapy/Counselling

This approach delves into the unconscious mind and past experiences, shaping present behavior. Clients explore childhood relationships, focusing on the client-therapist relationship dynamics, particularly the concept of transference. Transference involves projecting past feelings onto the therapist, aiding in quicker resolutions to emotional challenges.

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT combines cognitive and behavioral techniques, teaching clients to modify thought patterns and expectations. Additionally, relaxation techniques are employed. CBT has proven effective for stress-related issues, phobias, obsessions, eating disorders, and major depression, often used alongside drug treatments.

Gestalt Therapy

Gestalt therapy considers the entirety of a client’s experience, including emotions, thoughts, and actions. Clients gain self-awareness by analyzing their behavior, body language, and expressing suppressed emotions. The focus lies on the present moment, fostering holistic self-discovery.

Each of these approaches offers a unique lens through which therapists help clients navigate their challenges. By understanding these theoretical frameworks, clients and therapists collaboratively choose the approach that resonates most with the client's needs and goals.## Counselling panel

Coiscéim Counsellor Panel

All counselors affiliated with the Coiscéim Panel are highly qualified professionals either fully accredited or diligently working towards their accreditation. They are affiliated with reputable organizations such as IAHIP, IACP, and IACAT.

Each counselor undergoes regular supervision, carries comprehensive insurance coverage, and strictly adheres to the ethical guidelines outlined by their professional Counselling associations.

Coiscéim Counsellors are conveniently located in various areas across Cork city and county, with some counselors also available in Kerry. When matching you with a counselor, our referral counselor will discuss your preferred location, ensuring your comfort and convenience throughout the Counselling process.

Join the Coiscéim Counsellor Panel

If you are a pre-accredited or accredited counselor interested in becoming part of the Coiscéim Counsellor Panel, we welcome your application. Please reach out to us at to express your interest and learn more about the opportunities to contribute to our Counselling program. Your expertise and dedication can make a significant difference in the lives of those seeking support.