SHEP Certificate in Facilitation

The SHEP Certificate in Facilitation Course is an intermediate training in group-work facilitation, intended for those who have completed foundation training in social and health education and who now wish to begin training to support other people in their development.


Course Fee

In Full




As an intermediate course, this training is intended to serve as a platform for SHEP’s specialised practitioner training courses in areas such as the delivery of personal development courses, the provision of advocacy support, and working as a facilitator in community or organisational settings.

This course provides an opportunity for participants to develop awareness of the principles of effective group facilitation, as well as basic competence in the skills necessary to facilitate group processes.

The approach in the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation Course is one which emphasises the use of the self in facilitation. An underlying assumption is that unless the trainee facilitators continue to grow and develop in awareness and personal effectiveness, they will not function well as group facilitators. For this reason, the SHEP course provides opportunities for personal and group process work, along with skills development and engagement with theory.

Who can apply?

Those applying for the training course should normally have satisfactorily completed the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development course and the SHEP Certificate in Social Awareness and Community Empowerment. An opinion on each applicant’s readiness for training may be sought from trainers on earlier courses in The Social and Health Education Project.

Those who were exempted from the SHEP Certificate in Personal Development course because of equivalent work done elsewhere will be asked to provide a reference from a trainer who worked with them, giving their view as to their readiness for an introductory training in group facilitation.

How are places allocated?

Places among those considered ready for training will be allocated largely on a first-come, first-served basis. Priority will be given to those who have a clear sense of how they intend to use the training in future years. Some or all applicants may be asked to come for interview. Account may also be taken of such factors as the geographical spread of applicants.

How is the course structured?

The course is run in groups of 16 participants, working with two regular trainers. There will be 27 weekly sessions of 2½ hours from January to early June, and from September to December. Each group will also have 7 weekend day workshops of 7 hours (Saturdays or Sundays). Over the course of the year, participants will also be expected to undertake a total of 18 hours’ collaborative learning in small groups.

What approach is used in training?

A variety of training methodologies are used during this course, including formal teaching, experiential exercises, practice sessions, personal development workshops and collaborative learning in small working groups. The here and now events and experience in the training group serve as a live field for experiential learning. SHEP trainers constantly seek to ground theory in the experiential. Some written work is generally required of participants undertaking this course and they are asked to record their learning during the course in a personal learning journal.

Is there assessment?

Participants on all Social and Health Education Project training courses are encouraged to reflect on their experience and learning and this emphasis continues in the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation course. On-going self, peer and trainer assessment takes place during the course.

At the end of the training course, each participant will complete a personal learning evaluation and will hear feedback from their trainers in a one-to-one session.

Do participants receive a certificate?

A certificate will be awarded to those who complete the course satisfactorily. A high level of commitment and of attendance is expected from participants. Except in the most exceptional circumstances attendance at a minimum of 80% of both the evening sessions and of the day-long workshops will be considered essential for satisfactory completion of the course.

Does the course lead on to further training?

Those who successfully complete the course become eligible to apply for a place on any of the Project’s Specialised Practitioner Training Courses. In addition, completion of the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation fulfils the entry requirements for the Diploma in Social and Psychological Health Studies at U.C.C. and through a Recognition of Prior Learning process (RPL), eligibility to apply for Higher Diploma in Social, Personal and Health Education W.I.T. (this latter course is not currently available)

What is the course fee?

The fee for the SHEP Certificate in Facilitation Course in 2020 will be €930. This fee is payable before taking up a place, although SHEP is willing to make payment plans with participants to spread the payments over the duration of the course. A small number of reduced fee places at €630 will be available for the 2020 course in Cork. These will be allocated on a first-come, first-served basis to eligible applicants. Please read the ‘Important Information on SHEP Fees, Reduced Fees, Funded Places and Payment Methods’ here. To apply for a reduced fee place, it is necessary to complete a Reduced Fee Application Form, and to submit it along with the course application form.